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News Items.


Philadelphia. The Education Society’s annual meeting was held on Sunday, the 1st of Sivan (June) at the schoolroom of the association. The number of members present, though enough for the transaction of business, was much too small in view of the great impor­tance of the business in which the Society is embarked, as we can con­ceive of nothing so important as the diffusion of religious knowledge among the people. So evident has this necessity become, that, as we learn, several Christian sects have lately established educational insti­tutions of their own, as they find that public schools, where no religion con be taught, do not supply the demand which each individual feels for something more than mere book-knowledge. If this is the case with Christians, whose religion does not enter into all the details of life, as ours does, how much more should this necessity for religious instruction be felt among us ? But though not many members were present, those that came did so from a full understanding of the impor­tance of their association; and all the business was transacted with perfect unanimity. The President’s report will be found among our leading articles; and we hope that it will attract the attention it deserves. We trust that many may soon join as members, in order to increase both the material and personal strength of the society. The Treasurer reported the following receipts: Balance, May 12th, 1850, $256.12; Received, May 16th, 1851, from members, $117; Interest on City Stock of $2,000, less 5 per cent. State tax, $114; Total, $487.12. Expenditures for sundry orders, $143.07; leaving a cash balance of $344.05. The following gentlemen were elected officers of the Society  <<226>> for the current year,—S. Solis, President; A. S. Wolf, Vice-President; A. Hart, Treasurer; A. T. Jones, Secretary; A. Finzi, taut Secretary; Mayer Arnold, I. Binswanger, M. Cauffman, M. D. Cohen, Z. A. Davis, M. A. Dropsie, Isaac Hyneman, Isaac Leeser, Moses Nathans, Joseph Newhouse, D. Pesos, and H. Polock, Managers.

The Rodef Sholem Congregation have in their Hebrew school, we understand, one hundred and seventy scholars, who receive instruction in Hebrew, every day, at such time as the scholars do not attend the English schools to which they belong. We regret that the German language is used as the vernacular in the system of instruction pursued there, as the continuation of this course, here and elsewhere, prevents, to a very great extent, the fusion of the new immigrants with the natives and older residents, for the carrying out of a general and comprehensive improvement in all that relates to education and wor­ship. When will this evil be abated?—Above, the reader will find a brief account of the first confirmation that has taken place among the pupils of the school. Being engaged to preach in another Synagogue, we were not present; but we were assured, by several who were there, that the ceremony was beautiful, as one well capable of judging ex­pressed himself. We cannot say that we are altogether in favour of confirmation; but if it does no good, it can do no harm; and if it pro­duces a wholesome effect on one child even, and fixes its principles for life, there is something gained.

Charleston.—The Shearith Israel Congregation of this city elected, on Sunday, the 1st of June, the Rev. Ellis Lyons as Hazan, for the space of two years.—We also acknowledge the receipt of twenty-four dollars, being the amount of the annual contribution of this Congrega­tion to the poor fund of Palestine. We promptly remitted an order to the Treasurer of the Hebra Terumath Hakkodesh, of New York, Mr. S. I. Isaacs, who will, we think, speedily make a remittance to the Holy Land. We shall be pleased to receive further donations, from public bodies and individuals, for the same laudable purpose.

Columbia, S. C. The annual Examination of the Sunday-school of this city lately took place, and resulted, as usual, satisfactorily. We have in type the full proceedings, but are unable to give them this month. They shall appear hereafter.

Cincinnati. Here also education is progressing. The Bené Israel Congregation lately established a school for Hebrew and general education, and placed it under the charge of Dr. I. M. Mayer, assisted by one female and two male teachers. The scholars number already eighty, and we learn that at a late examination they all acquitted <<227>> themselves well. Want of space prevents us to give at length the report which has reached us, but we hope to be able to insert it hereafter. We often wish that our magazine could hold all the articles which we receive; but this is not in our power, as even the increased number of pages this month leaves us far short of our wants.

Kingston, Jamaica.—We have received the following preliminary proceedings, held at Kingston, for forming a Hebrew Benevolent So­ciety, which we lay before our readers, in the hope that it will not be uninteresting to them to perceive that the spirit of benevolence is still active among us in all directions.

At a meeting held on the 10th April, 1851, the following gentlemen being present, B. A. Franklin in the chair, H. D. Jacobs, S. Mordecai, Isaac R. Da Costa, D. C. D’Azevedo, Daniel Isaacs, Isaac Pinto, Henry Carcase, D. P. Mendes, Hyman Magnus, D. P. Da Costa, J. R. Da Costa, Isaac D’Souza, it was unanimously resolved, That the gentlemen now present, do form themselves into a managing committee, for the purpose of establishing a Hebrew Benevolent Society, the object of which shall be to render pecuniary aid to the sick and needy of both congregations.

That this committee shall be in existence three months, and shall have full powers to make laws and regulations for the government of the society.

That the committee shall, and at once proceed (severally) to induce sub­scribers, by weekly donations, (of not less than 3d. per week) and shall be furnished with a book to record the names and the amounts collected, which said amounts shall be handed over to the Treasurer (duly appointed) every Monday.

That Mr. B. A. Franklin be appointed acting chairman and treasurer, for the time being, and Mr. H. D. Jacobs be requested to act as honorary secretary.

B. A. Franklin, Acting Chairman.

England. It is a gratifying sign of the times that England is at length awakened to the necessity of pulpit instruction, and that several congregations have selected, or are about to do so, men eminent in Jew­ish Literature as preachers of the word of God. Among them we are glad to see that Dr. S. M. Schiller Szinessi, an Hungarian Rabbi, has been for some time officiating as preacher at Manchester; and that at the same time the two congregations existing there have united under his ministry. Dr. Simon Schayer, a celebrated literary character, also delivered a sermon on the second day of Passover, at the St. Alban’s Place Synagogue, London, with satisfaction to his audience. Rev. Mr. Green, of Bristol, is also well spoken of as a preacher, in the Jewish Chronicle and occasionally we see other names of less note mentioned, both in London and the provinces, as disseminating religious truths <<228>> from the pulpit. It was not long since the Rev. David M. Isaacs and Dr. Raphall, besides the chief Rabbis of London, were the only public teachers; whence we see that the array of so many new labourers shows that the cause is advancing, notwithstanding many and disheartening drawbacks, which have their origin chiefly in the indifference of many leading men to literary pursuits of every kind, whether in the pulpit or through the press. This state of things must be altered, as it is of more, much more importance than the passage of the Jewish emancipation bill, which, at best, will benefit but few.

Sweden. The bill emancipating the Jews has been rejected by 78 to 19 votes, in the chamber of the nobles. Particulars are of no use to record. Prejudice dies hard. A Swedish paper, however, says the vote of the nobles was a defeat of the Israelites; but a noble defeat, as it presages their approaching emancipation.

Asia. The blood-calumny, which caused so much trouble at Damascus about eleven years ago, has again been revived in one of the provinces of Turkey, in consequence of which several Israelites and Rabbins have been imprisoned and ill-treated, and two are reported to have died. Are folly and wickedness always to triumph?


Departed this life, on Tuesday morning, the 17th of June (Sivan), at Philadelphia, Mrs. Josephine Sarah Bomeisler, wife of Mr. Lazarus Mayer, merchant, of this city, in the 6th year of her age. We knew Mrs. M. from her early infancy, and we speak not in the language of mere eulogy when we state that she was one of those virtuous women, in whom “the heart of the husband could trust safely, so that he shall have no need of spoil;” and, as a daughter, friend, relative, and member of society, she was all that could be desired, and walked humbly with her God. She had been for some time indisposed, and no one apprehended any danger. Only a few days before her decease, her malady assumed a very painful form; yet the physicians partly thought they had hopes of her recovery. But the word had gone forth, and she sank calmly into the sleep of death. Her confidence in her Maker did not leave her a moment; and, though she felt her end approaching, she commanded her household to walk in the way of the Lord. She died, as she had lived, faithful to the God of Israel, and her portion is with the blest.